Caitlin Muelder


Judgment Free / “Yes-And” Astrology


I'm a Judgment-Free/Yes-And Astrologer, focused on increasing greater awareness, empathy, and empowerment by uniting the exoteric and esoteric astrological perspectives.

Mentored by Heidi Rose Robbins and a student of the Lighted House School of Esoteric Studies, my ongoing astrological studies include Psychological Astrology, Feminist and Gender-Fluid Archetypal Astrology, Pagan, Indigenous and Non-European Cosmology. Further related studies include: Global Mythology, Folk Magic, and Traditional African-American Hoodoo Voodoo. Scientific areas of interest include: Astronomy, Astrobiology, Astrophysics, as well as Quantum and Particle Physics.

My career as an artist/performer/ writer (MFA in Classical Acting & Storytelling) help me bring a mix of mirth and metaphor in giving language to astrological, mental, emotional, and occult subject matter.

Through my practice of Astrology I hope to help liberate others from confusion, fear, or shame by welcoming and integrating all "aspects" of the astrological self.

I’m a Grand Water Trine: Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon, Scorpio Rising with a prominent and multi-aspected, Gemini 8th House Stellium.

My pronouns are: she/her.


Sessions &  Readings 


the hero’s Journey

of your Life

When the Moon is in the 7th House and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then Peace will guide the Planets and Love will steer the Stars.

—The Age of Aquarius- From the musical Hair, which premired in October of 1967. Music by Galt MacDermont. The Book & Lyrics by both Gerome Ragni & James Rado

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